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IVAO – 200,000 Members!

It is thanks to you that IVAO Network today celebrates its 200,000 members, registered with 65 divisions across the planet.

Since 1998, we have been serving you with great passion. We could have never reached this huge number without you, and your constant activity, be it sailing the virtual skies as a Pilot, or providing ATC services.

In such a diverse, multicultural and rich environment, it was a pleasure to offer 24/7 constant connection, one-to-one trainings and daily online events.

Everyday on IVAO has its unique story; Everyday, new people register, new people learn new skills, and new people cheer their rating exams success!

We also owe a special tribute to every single staff member; Division Coordinators, Division Directors, Advisors, Trainers, Examiners, Supervisors, Senior Staff. They all have been volunteering their personal time and energy to make IVAO what it is today.


Division News Published on 13-04-2017 by AFSAL ZAIN

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